53 avenue Victor Hugo
75016 Paris
www.advens.geocoton.orgOur cotton magazine is now on line. Go to 'Publications' . Despite COVID as you will see from the various articles that we publish , the participants of our industriel sector are showing flawless dynamism. Research, innovation, tenacity are the the words that best characterise their action.
53 avenue Victor Hugo
75016 Paris
www.advens.geocoton.orgCDI-Cotton Distributors Inc
Chemin de Contigny 5
CP 111, 1000 Lausanne 3 Cour
+41(0) 21 612 65 08
41 (0) 21 612 65 66
www.cdi-cotton.comDEVCOT S.A.
19, rue Eugène Jacquet
59800 LILLE, France
+33 (0)
+33 (0)
com@devcot.com www.devcot.comSICLE
Franklin Building - 32, Rue Pierre Brossolette
Boîte Postale 82
76050 LE HAVRE Cedex, FRANCE
sicle@hps.tm.frPAUL REINHART AG
Postfach 582
CH-8401 WINTERTHUR, Suisse
+ 41 52 264 81 81
+ 41 52 212 00 55
mail@reinhart.ch www.reinhart.comCOFCO International
207 route de Ferney
1218 Grand-Saconnex, Genève, Suisse
41 (0) 21 33 14 322
f.niedergang@cofcointernational.com www.cofcointernational.comLouis Dreyfus Commodities Suisse
29 Route de l'aéroport
Case postale 236, 1215 Geneva 15
+ 41(0) 58 688 26 01
+ 41(0)22 592 75 86
www.ldc.comECOM AGRO INDUSTRIAL Corp Ltd
Avenue Guillemin 16. PO Box 64
CH 1009 Pully, Suisse
41 (0) 21 721 72 30
41 (0) 21 711 10 77
wafcot@ecomtrading.com www.ecomtrading.comSOSEA-ROBERTSON
Route de Coudekerque
59228 Teteghem - France
www.sosea-robertson.comThe white gold from West Africa, conquering the world market
Map of cotton producing countries of West and Central Africa :
Cotton from UEMOA. The white gold from West Africa conquering the world market :
On the occasion of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) Plenary Meeting held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire from December 2 to 6, 2018, Cotton Outlook has published a special edition which we put on line with their kind agreement.
In this issue you will find the following articles :
• The state of play and outlook for Côte d’Ivoire’s cotton sector
Page 10 Mr Ahmed Bachir DIOP, Administrative Director General of SODEFITEX
• Modernisation and professionalisation are the next challenges for Africa’s cotton industries
Page 16 Mr Gérald ESTUR, Consultant
• The Franc Zone’s output of cotton lint could rise to two million tonnes
Page 20 Dr Bruno BACHELIER, Cotton Supply Chain Correspondant, CIRAD
• Cotton research in Africa, a diagnostic stydy and proposal for a relaunch
Page 26 Mr Kai HUGHES, Executive Director, ICAC
• Truth about cotton
Page 34 Mr Michael EDWARDS, Cotton Outlook
• Tashkent to Abidjan – a changing market…
To access the articles, please click the link below
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